Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Dear Dairy

One night bobcat went to the door he was waiting to go out side it was too late but i had to let him out he wanted out so bad, so I let him out and he stayed out side all night i was kinda worried for him. The next day bobcat came back with a rabbit, the rabbit was kinda small but it still would be good.So I skinned the rabbit and cooked some over the fire for dinner then I boiled some to save. Bobcat went back out side to go hunt again the snow was deeper, It has been two weeks now and bobcat has not returned I was getting really worried.

One day my brothers and I went to go shovel a path, Alex wanted to shovel so I let him and I took Ryan inside I turned around to see what Alex was doing and then right there was a big snow pile on top of him he was covered from head to toe his mitt was sticking out of the snow, I tried to pull but the mitt fell off his hand and so I started to dig I got him out and took him inside. Ryan and I stared to take off Alex's clothing to change him I put both of them by the fire, Ryan and Alex both fell asleep. I had to go out to dig for bobcat to get home, what was I thinking he could jump over my house so he would be able to jump that snow pile.

so i went to go shovel a little and I looked straight ahead and saw a black fur ball lying in the snow bobcat I yelled. I rushed over there to see what it was maybe it was a raccoon lying there but it was bobcat laying there hurt, I went over to him to see if her was alive i knelt down by him and he meowed. It looked like he got attacked his leg was all ripped up. I rushed him to the door and tapped the door with my boot i forgot i left the boys sleeping by the fire then i tapped again and then the door swung open, there was Ryan. I put bobcat down by the fire and left him alone for the night. In the morning i went to check up on bobcat Ryan was the first up i started to boil some water to wash bobcats wounds i added some salt, I started to wash his each wound slowly, His leg wound opened and started to bleed but i dabbed it lightly and it stopped. The boys tried to give him some bark water and some meat but bobcat would not eat or drink it.

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